Allow me to say a word about ministry and churches at least in my experience. Every congregation Cyd and I have ever had the privilege of serving has loved us, loved our family, and been a source of blessing from the Lord to our lives. We look back on our time at every congregation and rejoice in all that the Lord taught us through the people and places we served. At a time when many in ministry are finding it difficult to continue to serve, pray for your pastors and ministers. At a time when churches can often be divided, seek the unity of the spirit and the peace of the gospel as you proclaim King Jesus.
Yesterday, Cyd and I attended the celebration of life service for Dr. Bill Perry. Dr. Perry was the pastor at the first church I served in Bulloch county when we arrived in 2006. He had retired by the time we arrived, so he never officially held the title of our pastor, but that didn't stop his pastoral nature and heart from shining through in our interactions with him. He and Margaret always offered words of encouragement to us as our journey of ministry has transitioned through the years. He would often invite me to fill in for him at churches he was serving as interim pastor. He either believed in me enough to give me the opportunity or he was so desperate to find someone so he could be out of town he gave me the opportunity, regardless, I'm grateful. His life and ministry modeled one of humility, service, gospel centeredness, peace-making, and faithfulness. His impact on countless people through the years may not be fully realized until the Lord makes all things new! Dr. Perry, I appreciate your example, your friendship, and your pastoral leadership. May the Lord raise up more pastors and ministers like you.
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