Scripture Reading
Psalm 130
"I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. I am worn out calling for help, my throat is parched" (Psalm 69:2-3). Have you ever been in the "depths?" Are you there now? There are moments in our lives as believers that we feel lost, far away from the One that saved us. We are fearful to approach the throne of our Almighty God. The question of why we must pass through these seasons is no mystery. We are sinners in a sinful world. Therefore our lives can become overwhelmed with our own sinfulness, the circumstances of life, and the influence of the world around us. We find ourselves focused on ourselves and our own misery and misfortune. We seem to forget the promises of the One who loves us most. It is then that we plead for mercy, for God to hear us from our "depths." The encouragement for us is that because of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, He hears us. He keeps no record of our sin. We are forgiven. He knows that we are waiting and wanting. He knows the agony we experience of the unknown. His love for us is unfailing and we have assurance that despite our lack of trust he is there. His grace covers us. He desires to hear us cry out to Him, whether in praises or pain. Martin Luther, the great Protestant Reformer, after reading Psalm 130 penned the words to this hymn:
From the depths of woe I raise to Thee the voice of lamentation;
Lord turn a gracious ear to me and hear my supplication;
If Thou iniquities dost mark, our secret sins and misdeeds dark,
O who should stand before Thee?
Therefore my trust is in the Lord, and not in mine own merit;
On Him my soul shall rest, His word upholds my fainting spirit;
His promised mercy is my fort, my comfort and my sweet support;
I wait for it with patience.
Though great our sins and sore our woes,
His grace much more aboundeth;
His helping love no limit knows, Our upmost need it soundeth.
Our shepherd good and true is He,
Who will at last His Israel free from all their sin and sorrow.
Prayer: Father, I confess any sin that I have that is causing me to feel separated from you. I praise you for your forgiveness, attentive ear, and mercy. May I cling to you in times of rejoicing as well as in times of despair. Amen..
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