Scripture Reading
Romans 7:7-12; 8:1-4
The main point Paul is attempting to make is that through the Law he realized what sin was. "Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, 'Do not covet'" (Romans 7:7). It's the same principle of when someone tells you not to do something you hadn't even thought about doing until they said something to you about not doing it. For instance, if you are walking in a park and you see a sign that says "Stay off the grass," it will probably arouse in you an intense desire to walk all over the grass even though before you saw the sign you hadn't even thought about walking on the grass. Paul is saying that the Mosaic Law is what points out our sin to us in hopes of driving us to see our need for God.
In chapter 8 the incredible news for those who are believers is that there is no condemnation. That means because of Christ's fulfillment of the Law and his death and resurrection we are no longer sentenced to death and separation from God. The Law because it pointed out our sin left us in despair because we knew that we wouldn't be able to meet God's standard of holiness. Therefore, the consequences for us were death and hell, but God had other plans. The wonderful fact is that God sent his son to be a sin offering so that we might have eternal life. There is a sense in which Christ literally died in your place and mine when he hung on the cross. Why did he do it? Because he loved us so much that he would die in order for us to have a relationship with him.
Prayer: Father, thank you for loving me enough to give up your son, Jesus. Your love is more than I can comprehend. Your grace is deeper and wider than my mind can fathom. I know you are holy and I am not. Thank you for the righteousness of Christ which has been credited to my account so that I might live in freedom from sin through you. Amen.
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