Scripture Reading
Luke 1: 67-79
Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, was a voice of hope in the midst of despair for the Jewish people. His story started with doubt when he was told he was going to be a father even though he was very old. Because of his doubt he was not able to speak until his son was born. Then he began to praise God for his faithfulness to his covenant with his people (verses 67-75).
We can never be reminded enough that the story of God and his people began with Abraham, was renewed with Moses and David, and fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. This fact, this hope in the promises of God, was what sustained the Israelites through years of difficulty, hardship, and persecution. This hope is what Zechariah was so excited about.
The words of Zechariah turn to a more personal note as he rejoices over the wonder that God has chosen to use his son as part of the great salvation story! Zechariah's prophecy reminds us of the choice of Almighty God to use frail, weak, sinful human beings to accomplish his purposes. God still chooses to use you and me to tell others about him, not because he has to depend on humans but because he desires to work through us, so that all people of the world might hear the wonderful news that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. Are you allowing God to use you to accomplish his purposes in your life? Who can you talk to about Jesus this week? Pray for that person right now and ask God to give you the courage to boldly proclaim his message.
Prayer: God, may your name be praised and exalted high above all other names because you have redeemed your people. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you by telling others about your love in spite of my faults and failures. Amen.
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