Scripture Reading
Luke 1:26-33
Can you for one second imagine yourself in Mary's sandals? You are a young teenage girl, probably around the age of 15 and you find out that you are pregnant. If that's not terrifying enough you know you are still a virgin, and the child you are carrying is the son of God, the Messiah, the Savior of his people. What would be going through your mind? Fear, nervousness, anxiety, maybe a little joy and happiness, these are all emotions you might experience.
The words that the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary, carry the weight of the world with them. The hope and future of humanity's relationship with God rest on these words. We often only think about this encounter that Mary had with Gabriel at Christmas time, but they are verses that we need to read throughout the year because they hold the hope of the world in them.
These verses are the fulfillment of all the Old Testament prophecies. How wonderful it is to know that a young teenage girl was not afraid to face her fiance or the world because she knew the truth about what God was doing in and through her. My prayer for you today is that the example of Mary will strengthen and encourage you to be committed to God even in the most difficult of circumstances.
Prayer: Lord God, I confess my tendency to doubt you and my reluctance to be obedient during the difficult times in my life. I ask that you would use the example of Mary as she learns about being the mother of Jesus to strengthen me during trials. Help me to cling to your promises as Mary did. I want to be obedient and faithful to the calling that you have placed on my life. Amen.
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