Scripture Reading
Matthew 13:31-32
Jesus loved to use parables to teach people the truth of the kingdom of God. When Jesus taught using parables he was taking an example from the everyday life of his followers and using it to explain something about heaven or what it means to be a Christ follower.
In this very short parable, which is followed by an even shorter one, Jesus compares the Kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed. As Jesus says in the parable, the mustard seed was the smallest seed used by farmers during that time. The amazing thing about it was that it would grow and become quite large. The comparison that Jesus is making is that the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven starts out small but grows into something very large.
Think about it this way, the kingdom of heaven began with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, but through God's plan of redemption through Jesus' death on the cross it has grown to include millions of people throughout the centuries. The neat thing is that it hasn't stopped growing, the kingdom of heaven gets larger and larger as more and more people come to know God and experience his love. Just as the old hymn says, "Though millions have come, there's still room for one, yes there's room at the cross for you." The kingdom of heaven doesn't have a maximum seating capacity so we need to make sure that we are doing our part to tell others about the kingdom of heaven. Ask God to give you the boldness to tell someone about him today or tomorrow.
Prayer: God, thank you for your kingdom that doesn't turn anybody away or ever get full. Help me to live for you today by sharing with someone the love that you have given us. Help me to be faithful to the work of the kingdom by living for you each day. Amen.
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