Scripture Reading
Isaiah 49:1-6
Yesterday we looked at the first of four "Servant Songs" found int Isaiah 40-66. The first one introduced the servant, and we stated that as Christians we have come to understand the Servant of the Lord to be Jesus Christ. The second Servant Song, found in Isaiah 49 captures the thoughts of the servant and Yahweh's response.
As one reads verses 1-4, it is easy to identify with the words of the servant. We feel that we as servants of the Lord were called before we were born (vs. 1), that the Lord has protected us and kept us in the palm of his hand (vs.2), and that at times we feel we have labored in vain for the Lord (vs.4). However, that is where our identification with these verses stops. We must remind ourselves that this is about the Servant of the Lord-Jesus.
The Servant's words have been heard and now Yahweh responds in verses 5-6. In verse 5 there is a description of the Lord-Yahweh that is essentially a summary of verses 1-4. It is also a reminder that the original role of the Servant of the Lord was to bring Israel back into a right relationship with God. Then God speaks in verse 6. Basically God says, "Bringing Israel back is easy, let's make it a real challenge, go save the Gentiles (everyone else in the world besides the Jews) as well. So we see in this second Servant Song a fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham that through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. God's purpose has always been to save both Jews and Gentiles because they are all part of the sacred human race that God created to bear his image. The Servant of the Lord was supposed to bring salvation to all the earth and that is exactly what Jesus did.
Prayer: God, may your salvation be proclaimed throughout all the earth as you call men, women, boys, and girls into a relationship with you. Thank you for including me as part of your people. Thank you for expanding your salvation to include Jew and Gentile. Amen.
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