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Lent Day 42

Scripture Reading

Mark 14:1-9

This is an interesting passage because it clearly points out the role of the messiah that Jesus had come to fulfill. What would it have been like to be present at the meal when this happened? If you have time read John 12:1-8. In John's account of Jesus being anointed at Bethany we learn the name of the woman, Mary. Evidently Mary truly recognized the significance of Jesus as the long-awaited savior of the Jews. It was customary for people to have servants wash the feet of their guests as a sign of welcome because of how nasty their feet would have been from walking everywhere in sandals. Mary goes a step further and anoints him with expensive perfume. Remember in Israel's history a sign of kingship and leadership was having one's head anointed with oil. John says that she poured the perfume on his feet and wiped them with her hair. In both cases it is symbolic of Jesus' death. The custom of the time was to anoint kings with spices, oils, and perfumes to prepare them for burial (partly to cover up the smell of the decomposing body.) By Mary anointing Jesus and serving him she is making a bold statement that this simple carpenter is truly the King of Kings who is worthy of our honor, attention, and praise. 

Prayer: God, you are King of Kings and Lord of Lord and you desire our praise and devotion. Help us to glorify you with our lives so that you will continue to be exalted and draw more people unto you. Amen.


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