Scripture Reading
Matthew 26:26-29
The words of our Lord Jesus as he instituted the Lord's Supper are so precious to my heart. We have all participated in the Lord's Supper many times. The question for each of us is, "How often do we really worship God as we participate in it?" Do we just take it in a ritualistic way not remembering the significance of Jesus' death on the cross? As you reflect on these words, remember that the bread and the cup represent the body and blood of our Savior who suffered immeasurable agonies on a hill outside of Jerusalem so that we might have a relationship with God.
The Lord's Supper is called several different things: The Lord's Supper, Communion, the Eucharist. Whatever we choose to call it, it reminds us of the love of God stretched across the sky for you and for me.
There are many theological understandings of how the bread and the cup function as we participate in the Lord's Supper. Some Christian's believe it becomes the actual body and blood of Jesus, others believe that Christ is physically present in the elements (the bread and wine); while some believe that he is only spiritually present in the elements. Still others believe that it is simply a memorial or symbol of the crucified Savior. Regardless of one's theological understanding of the Lord's Supper, whenever we partake of it we should do three things. First, give thanks to God for his love and for sending Jesus to die on the cross to save us. Second, remember the event of the crucifixion and that it was because we were unable to have a restored relationship with God that Jesus had to die. Third, we look forward to Christ's return and his earthly kingdom when we will be able to celebrate the Lord's Supper with him.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for the death of Christ and for the opportunity that I have to remember it especially during the Lord's Supper. I look forward to Christ's return and his reign that will never end. Amen
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